Leonardo's "Crono' page which is his life and information, images, organized chronologically - enabling us to view his life from start to finish.
Submit a date not listed *
April 15, 1452: Born
"1452. There was born to me a grandson, the son of Ser Piero my son, on the 15th day of April, a Saturday, at the 3rd hour (10.30pm) of the night. He bears the name Lionardo." - in the Village of Anchiano, by "Vinci"
1466 - Statue of David (Models For)
1467 - Enters Andrea De Verrocchio Work shop at age 14.
1472 - Accepted into Painters Guild of Florence
1473 -*The day of Santa Maria della Neve [of the Snows] August the 2nd 1473.
1473 -“Di dì Santa Maria della Neve addi 5 d'agossto 1473”
“On the day of the Madonna of the Snow, on the 5th day of August 1473”
Written on front: “On the day of the Madonna of the Snow, on the 5th day of August 1473”
Written on back: “Io morando dant sono chontento" -“I morando dant am happy…”
1475 - Father remarried for the third time and had first legitimate son
1476: Sodomy charges:
Sodomy Charges were filed against Leonardo da Vinci, Baccino, Bartolomeo di Pasquino; and Leonardo Tornabuoni, a member of the aristocratic Tornabuoni family: "party to many wretched affairs and consents to please those persons who request such wickedness of him" with Jacopo Saltarelli - a known prostitute.
1478 - January first commission at his own studio
1478 - The Annunciation
1481 - The Adoration of the Magi, at the Monastery of San Donato at Scopeto.
1482-1499 - Moves to Milan to work with the Ludovico Sforza as: "painter and engineer of the duke"
1483 - 1486 - Virgin of the Rocks (Louvre Version)
1485 - Lady with an Ermine
1489 - Sforza Horse
1489 - *"On the 2nd of April 1489, book entitled 'Of the human figure'. "*
1490 - Vitruvian man
1490 - July 22 *"Giacomo came to live with me on St Mary Magdalene's day.."
1493 - " On the 16th day of July. Caterina (Lina) came on 16th day of July, 1493." (Potentially his Mother - but more likely a servant)
1495 - Last Supper - Starts at the refectory of the convent of Santa Maria Delle Grazie
1495-1508 - Virgin of the Rocks (London Version)
1497- Given New Garden by Duke Sforza
1497 - Cloak for Salai on the 4th day of April 1497.
1498 - Finishes the Last Supper
1499 - French troops Invade Milan
1499- December - leaves milan
1499 -*"On the 1st of August 1499, I wrote here of motion and of weight. "*
1500 -Back to Florence
1500 - Begins Child w/ St. Anne (takes 10 years to complete)
1501 - Isabella D'este (Writes to him to commission portrait - Leo Declines)
1502 - Works for Cesare Borgia (son of Pope Alexander VI) as "Senior military architect and general engineer"
1503 - Memorandum: that on the 8th day of April 1503
Ricordo: come addì 8 d'aprile 1503 io Lionardo da Vinci prestai a Vante miniatore ducati 4 d'oro in oro, portògli Salaì e li dette in sua propia mano. Disse rendermeli infra lo spazio di 40 gionri.
Ricordo: come nel sopra detto giorno io rendei a Salaì ducati 3 d'oro, i quali disse volersene fare un paio di calze rosate co’ sua fornimenti. E li restai a dare ducati 9 - posto che lui ne de’ dare a me ducati 20, cioè 17 prestati a Milano e 3 a Vinegia.
1504 - Leonardo's Father Dies: (These are the only instances that Leonardo mentions his father in his Notebooks.
*"On the 9th of July 1504, Wednesday, at seven o'clock, died Ser Piero da Vinci, notary at the Palazzo del Podesta, my father, —at seven o'clock, being eighty years old, leaving behind ten sons and two daughters."*
*"On Wednesday at seven o'clock died Ser Piero da Vinci on the 9th of July 1504. "*
1505-1513 - Milan
1505 -
“On 6th June 1505, on Friday, at the stroke of the 13th hour I began to paint at the Palazzo. At the moment of putting down the paintbrush the weather changed for the worse, and the bell in the law-courts began to toll. The transfer sketch came loose. The water spilled as the jug that contained it broke. And suddenly the weather worsened, and the rain poured down till nightfall. And it was dark as night.” "Battle of A"
1505 - *"Begun by me, Leonardo da Vinci, on the l2th of July 1505. "*
"The title is on the foregoing coversheet as follows: "Libro titolato disstrafformatione coe (cioe) d'un corpo nvn (in un) altro sanza diminuitione e acresscemento di materia"
1507 -In the name of God on the 5th day of July 1507. Draft of letter to mother.
1508 - *Begun at Milan on the l2th of September 1508. "*
1508 - "Begun at Florence, in the house of Piero di Braccio Martelli, on the 22nd day of March 1508"
- Leonardo's Notebooks; #4 -da Vinci dates and documents the location where he attempted to compile his notebooks. JPR says it should really be 1509.
1515 -St. John the Baptist
1515 - *"The Magnifico Giuliano de' Medici left Rome on the 9th of January 1515, just at daybreak, to take a wife in Savoy; and on the same day fell the death of the king of France. "*
1513 -Rome 24th September
1513 -*On the 9th of January 1513. "*
1516 - Goes to work for the King of France
1518 - *"On the 24th of June, St John's day, 1518 at Amboise, in the palace of… "*“On the 24th day of June, the Feast Day of St. John 1518, at Amboise in the Palace of Cloux.” - Last dated note
1519 - May 2, - Leonardo dies in France at Clos Lucé and was buried in the Chapel of Saint-Hubert in Château d'Amboise, -France.
A # refers to a specific quote from Leonardo's Notebooks and can be found through that section on this site.
**Notes that the date was written in Leonardo's notebooks. There aren't many and they are usually obscure. More about those dates can be found @ Leo's Notebooks: Letters & Dates
*Being updated* 2/22/14 -D
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- - Leo's father dies.
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- - Goes to work for King of France
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- - May 2 - Dies in France.